🚀 CPCT Typing Test

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The Ministry of Water Resources lays down policies and programmes for development and regulation of the country's water resources. It covers sectoral planning, coordination, policy guidelines, technical examination and techno economic appraisal of the projects, providing central assistance to specific projects, facilitation of external assistance and assistance in the resolution of inter-state water disputes, policy formulation, planning and guidance in respect of major, medium and minor irrigation, command area development, flood management and development of ground water resources etc. The National Water Policy, 2002 lays emphasis on integrated water resources development and management for optimal and sustainable utilisation of the available surface and ground water; creation of well developed information system; water conservation and demand management; quantity and quality aspects as well as environmental considerations; involvement of beneficiaries and stakeholders in the project planning and participatory approach in water resources management, training and research, resettlement and rehabilitation aspects of projected affected persons. The Policy also encourages Private Sector participation in planning, development and management of water resources projects for diverse uses, wherever feasible with a view to introducing innovative ideas, generating financial resources and introducing corporate management and wien officiency and accountability to users.

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Keystrokes Count: 0

Error Count: 0

Backspace Count: 0

Total Word Count: 194

Typed Word Count: 0

Pending Word Count: 194