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The Government of India adopted the National Charter for Children as notified in the Gazette of India on 9th February, 2004. The National Charter is a statement embodying the Government's agenda for children. The document emphasizes Government of India's commitment to children's rights to survival, health and nutrition, standard of living, play and leisure, early childhood care, education, protection of the girl child, empowering adolescents, equality, life and liberty, name and nationality, freedom of expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, the rights to a family and the right to be protected from economic exploitation and all forms of abuse. It also provides for protection of children in difficult circumstances, children with disabilities, children from marginalized and disadvantaged communities, and child victims. The document, while stipulating the duties of the State and the Community towards children, also emphasizes the duties of children towards family society and the Nation. The National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement was instituted in 1996 to give recognition to children with exceptional abilities who have achieved outstanding status in various fields including academics, arts, culture and sports, etc. Children between the age of 4 to 15 years are to be considered for this award. One Gold Medal and 35 Silver Medals (one for each State/UT) are given annually. The Award was instituted in 1979 to honour five institutions and three individuals for their outstanding performance in the field of child welfare. The National Award for Child Welfare includes a cash prize of Rs. 3 lakh and a certificate for each institution and Rs. 1 lakh and a certificate for each individual.