🚀 CHSL Typing Test

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The main fields of specialization of the company cover Irrigation and Drainage, Flood Control and Land Reclamation, River Management, Dams, Reservoir Engineering and Barrages, Integrated Agriculture Development, Watershed Management, Hydropower and Thermal Power Generation, Power Transmission and Distribution, Rural Electrification, Ground Water Exploration, Minor Irrigation, Water Supply and Sanitation (Rural and Urban), Environmental Engineering including Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit, Ports and Harbours and Inland Waterways, Rain Water Harvesting, Survey & Investigations, Human Resource Management, System Studies and Information Technology. WAPCOS has also been venturing into newer fields such as Software Development, City Development Plans, Financial Management System, Technical Education, Quality Control and Construction Supervision, Roads and Bridges. The Company has amended its Articles of Association to provide concept to commissioning services for developmental projects in India and abroad. WAPCOS spectrum of services covers a wide range of activities e.g. prefeasibility studies, feasibility studies, simulation studies, diagnostic studies, socioeconomic studies, master plans and regional development plans, field investigations, detailed engineering including designs, detailed specifications, tendering process, contract and construction management, commissioning and testing, operation and maintenance, quality assurance and management, software development and human resource development. The Central Government framed the Narmada Water Scheme, which, among other things, constituted Narmada Control Authority (NCA) and a Review Committee in 1980 for implementation of the decisions and directions of the Narmada.