🚀 CHSL Typing Test

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Under the Indus Water Treaty, 1960, India and Pakistan have created two permanent posts of Commissioners for Indus Waters, one each in India and Pakistan. Each Commissioner is representative of his Government for all matters arising out of the Treaty and is to serve as the regular channel of communication on all matters relating to implementation of the Treaty. The two Commissioners together form the Permanent Indus Commission PIC. The PIC holds periodical meetings and also undertakes tours of inspection to projects/works in India and Pakistan. In fulfilment of the requirements of Indus Water Treaty, the daily data of 280 hydrological sites of six basins, The Indus, The Jhelum, The Chenab, The Ravi, The Beas and the Sutlej of Indus system was sent to Pakistan every month. As a gesture of goodwill, flood data of the rivers Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Tawi is being communicated to Pakistan during the flood season since year 2009 for undertaking advance flood warning measures. Keeping in view the national importance, in the year, 2008 the proposed Bursar Hydroelectric Project, Gyspa Hydroelectric Project, Ujh Multipurpose Project and Second Ravi-Beas Link Project besides Shahpurkandi Dam Project were included in the list of National Projects to enable more effective utilization of the water resources: 969 potential available under the Treaty. Pursuant to this, efforts to identify suitable sites/prepare DPRs are going on. The Central Water Commission (CWA) is a premier technical organisation in the country in the field of water resources since 1945. The Commission is entrusted with the responsibilities of initiating, co-ordinating and furthering schemes for control, conservation and utilisation of water resources throughout.