📜 PRACTISE Typing Test Instructions

Please read the instructions carefully before starting.

📌 Important Guidelines:

  • 🔹 Language Selection: Choose your preferred language (English or Hindi) before starting the typing test. The test will be conducted based on your selected language.
  • 🔹 Time Selection: You can select the duration of the test before starting. The test duration may vary, and you can choose the one that suits you best (e.g., 10 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.).
  • 🔹 Minimum Words Requirement: Depending on the language selected, type a minimum number of words within the allotted time:
  • 🔹 English: 300 words (minimum 30 words per minute).
  • 🔹 Hindi: 250 words (minimum 25 words per minute).
  • 🔹 Error Margin: A 5% error margin is allowed in the typing test. Mistakes within this margin will not affect your score.
  • 🔹 Penalty for Extra Mistakes: For every additional mistake beyond the 5% allowance, the corresponding number of words will be deducted from your total typed.
  • 🔹 Penalty for Incorrect Words: Each incorrect word beyond the error margin will result in a penalty of 10 times the number of errors.
  • 🔹 Practice Session: You will have a 1-minute practice session at the beginning of the test to familiarize yourself with the typing environment before starting the actual test.
  • 🔹 Break Time: A 30-second break will be provided during the test to rest your hands and refresh before continuing with the next section of the test.
  • 🔹 No Editing Tools: You are not allowed to use editing tools or spell-check during the test. Type exactly as shown in the passage.
  • 🔹 Final Result: Your typing speed (Words Per Minute or WPM) and accuracy will be calculated and shown as your final result. The Correct Words Per Minute (NWPM) will be the determining factor for your performance.
✅ Practice Test ➡️